Week 37 : Something Scary – Zsa Zsa Laboum

I’m officially declaring the beginning of the season of fear, and I’m not just talking about Halloween. Zsa Zsa Laboum was a Belgian collective from the New Beat era, and they produced this nice and spooky Acid track in 1988.

I laid alone in my room
Something grabbed me
And smothered me

I’m being playful here, those aren’t exactly lyrics. They’re lines from a movie called The Entity, which came out in 1982 and is about a woman who gets repeatedly assaulted by a ghost…It’s pretty disturbing and definitely not an oscar-worthy movie, but horror samples go great with techno, acid, or house music.

They’re a good way to add a voice while still keeping everything very machine-like and non-human. Right now, I can’t think of many tracks with horror samples, although I know they exist. If I find some that I like, I’ll make a separate article compiling them.

Do you have any lines in mind from a horror movie that you think would go great with a cool beat ? Also, what’s your favorite spooky song to kickstart the season ? No writing prompts here, just simple questions, I’m dying to know you.

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One response to “Week 37 : Something Scary – Zsa Zsa Laboum”

  1. what a nice song!! love the sample and love the idea that you can technically dance to a movie, idk why but i find it very cool. i’d like to hear a song that samples the records of the priest in the first evil dead movie, as some kind of cheeky demon invocation ritual… and what would you wanna sample?
    and to kickstart the spooky season, it’s always don’t fear the reaper for me, as well as die, die my darling by the misfits, some classics but they always get me in the mood to watch horror movies and FINALLY enjoy the cold air


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