I’m officially declaring the beginning of the season of fear, and I’m not just talking about Halloween. Zsa Zsa Laboum was a Belgian collective from the New Beat era, and they produced this nice and spooky Acid track in 1988.
I laid alone in my room
Something grabbed me
And smothered me
I’m being playful here, those aren’t exactly lyrics. They’re lines from a movie called The Entity, which came out in 1982 and is about a woman who gets repeatedly assaulted by a ghost…It’s pretty disturbing and definitely not an oscar-worthy movie, but horror samples go great with techno, acid, or house music.
They’re a good way to add a voice while still keeping everything very machine-like and non-human. Right now, I can’t think of many tracks with horror samples, although I know they exist. If I find some that I like, I’ll make a separate article compiling them.
Do you have any lines in mind from a horror movie that you think would go great with a cool beat ? Also, what’s your favorite spooky song to kickstart the season ? No writing prompts here, just simple questions, I’m dying to know you.
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