Week 34 : Liaisons!Room 103 – Miles/Ingle

A fresh track (released in August!) from the duo Miles/Ingle, a cheeky little new wavy pop song about affairs, obvs. August is a good month to have an affair because, to many people, it’s the least tangible month. Don’t take my word for it though.

Ah Ah
Ah Ah
This is our liaison
Ah Ah
Ah Ah
This is our liaison

Fun choice of highlighted lyrics, right? Thank you, I’m glad you agree. I like the little Ahs; they give a cheeky rhythm to the chorus.

I’m not going to ask you to write a song about affairs, don’t worry. I’m more interested in the title, Room 103. Hotels always make for great lyrics material, so go ahead and write something about an hotel—sexy, scary, or nostalgic—your choice. I love hotels, but strangely, I don’t have any strong memories of one in particular; maybe it’s because I’ve never had a liaison in one…

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One response to “Week 34 : Liaisons!Room 103 – Miles/Ingle”

  1. nice song!!! i like the contrast (?) between the deep (?) voice of the singer and the relatively high-pitched melody, and i get you, i also really like hotels, i think it’s fun because it’s like a fake house, or a fake apartment, it’s very uncanny when you think about it… i once slept through an earthquake in a hotel as well, guess it doesnt affect my sleep :/ i would love to work in one and store intel about people going there for their affairs

    anyway here i go with the prompt:
    we wanted a room with a view
    lengthy shadows cutting the pillows
    a light smell of bleach
    the sea still glistened
    but we couldn’t look
    unless we snapped our necks
    we wanted a room with a view
    but all we got was parking lot
    the sea still glistened
    and people checked in


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