Week 18 : End of Heartache – Moon Diagrams

Just what pop should be to me, bright pink and shimmering but you can’t help but wonder what’s up with the flies flying in circles above it. This album is mostly without vocals except for the closing track, isn’t that sweet ?

And I don’t want to be put in the ground
Don’t let it happen to me
And I don’t want to be put in the ground in the ground in the ground in the ground in the ground in the ground in the no no no

And I just want you to keep me around
And never let me go
And I promise I won’t make any sound, any sound, no no no
And I just want you to keep me around
And never let me go

Did you pay attention to the ending of the song ? What happens, starting at 4:39 ? On Spotify two versions of the song exist and one stops before that, that’s like a movie with different endings.

That’s not really a creative prompt, I’m sorry, but I really want to know what’s your opinion on this small thing that doesn’t really matter but is fun to stretch and analyze. And please remember, you don’t have to say something that makes sense.

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One response to “Week 18 : End of Heartache – Moon Diagrams”

  1. to me this ending bit is really significant given the lyrics. « i don’t wanna be put in the ground » is a rlly vivid cry against death obvi, against everything that is linked to death. the fact that it keeps coming back reminds me of that painting by klimt with the 3 women embracing in yellow and golden tones and then death looking at them on the side, idk if you see which one i mean? to me that ending bit is death looking over life like in that painting. it’s a distorted and disharmonic sound that renders the rest of the song kind of meaningless, or at least it gives it a weird aftertaste. plus it somewhat sounds like an organ, or it could be the loss of feelings after becoming desincarnate. i get why they did two versions cause with this interpretation in mind (which might not at all be what they thought of when making the song) it’s really uneasy to listen to that ending bit! it acts as a little memento mori, and i think that makes this dancey sunny pop song – as long as you don’t mind the lyrics to begin with – a bit unsettling to listen to!!


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