Week 21 : If This Hat Is Missing I Have Gone Hunting – Get Well Soon

Get Well Soon is a band (well not really a band, it’s a solo project by Konstantin Gropper but the live musicians are great) which is comforting, edgy and playful at the same time. This is a song from their first album, it’s scary and sexy and the music video is like a mini movie, what more could you possibly want ?

They say that this forest’s haunted
You soon will find new friends in ghosts
Just hope that I will aim right

Ok maybe you think I’m weird for saying it’s a sexy song but hear me out the chorus is playfully sexy on purpose….Anyway I think it’s our first time encountering lyrics about ghosts on this blog ! So can you write me a verse or a chorus about ghosts ? It has to include the words haunt (haunted, haunting whatever) and ghost(s) !

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2 responses to “Week 21 : If This Hat Is Missing I Have Gone Hunting – Get Well Soon”

  1. i really like the backing vocals in this!! anyway here goes my take :
    ghosts are not scary the way we think they are
    it’s another thing entirely
    it’s something dead that thinks it’s alive
    but why wouldn’t it?
    if you were dead wouldn’t you rather come back too?
    no haunting, it would be like never having left
    breaking the coffee maker trying to pour a cup
    but transparent hands can’t hold much
    haunted by the absence of reflection in the mirror
    it’s something else entirely
    ghosts are not scary the way we think they are

  2. […] few weeks ago when I was talking about Get Well Soon I said that it was our first time encountering lyrics mentioning ghosts and now they’re […]


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