Week 22 : Psycho Star – King Tuff

Summer is creeping upon us, and here’s a song that I would never listen to in the cold months. A cool surf indie pop/rock song that you could listen to on the beach or in the car, especially if you have nowhere to go.

Chaos and confusion
Is that really all that we are
The universe is probably an illusion
But isn’t it so beautifully bizarre
That here we are
Watching the wind blow
Watching the wind blow
Watching the rain so hard
Watching the fire getting higher
On this strange little star

Normally I could probably say that the lyrics of this song lack a bit of humor and are maybe too abstract for my taste but I adore the way they fit with the instrumentals and the chorus. It feels like a big pop firework, d’you see what i mean ? Anyway since we’re talking summer, this week I’d like you to write a verse or a chorus (or both!) inspired by a summer memory you have.

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2 responses to “Week 22 : Psycho Star – King Tuff”

  1. i really liked the music video for this one!! i also like the lyrics, i think they’re not pretentious so it’s okay if they lack humor (which they kinda do)
    anyway here’s my summer memory in lyrics:
    on that straight road towards the sea
    taking in the rolling black clouds
    like night was tucking us in
    the backseat of this huge car
    when lightning stabbed the horizon
    when the rain washed down the lights
    trees folding in the gushes of wind
    we never saw a thunderstorm this big
    i remember the startled sounds we made
    when lightning turned the black sky grey
    on that straight road towards the sea
    disturbance of the peacefulness of summer
    cicadas drowning on the trees
    sand and salt still in our hair
    i never saw a thunderstorm this big
    and i want to crawl back in the memory
    i’d like you to give me a course on lyric writing cause it really looks like i’ve never listened to any song if you read my replies :^) any tips?

    1. Thank you for commenting ! I think (and I’m not a pro) that to write song lyrics you have to cut out a lot and you can’t think of what you’re saying as a full story. it also helps to try and hear it with a melody, if you can’t make one up just think of an existing song !


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